Published in The Clarity Journal 76 - 2018
By Neil James and Susan Kleimann
No one could object to the evaluation of texts to assess their quality and effectiveness. Many evaluation methods e...
Published in The Clarity Journal 75 - 2017
Penelope Hughes and Maya Frazier
Privacy plays a vital role in society, and the concept of health information privacy has persisted for a particular...
Published in The Clarity Journal 56 - Nov.2016
Speech by Lord Justice Rix
Clarity seminar at Denton Wilde Sapte 10 October 2006
I am very grateful to the organisers of this event for bring...
Published in The Clarity Journal 73 - 2015
There is an ever-increasing need and demand from the public for information that is accessible, transparent, and easy to understand. When we view contr...
Published in The Clarity Journal 73 - 2015
By Joseph Kimble
No, I’m sorry, but most lawyers are not skilled drafters. It doesn’t matter how smart or experienced they are or how many legal doc...
Published in The Clarity Journal 71 - 2014
Number 29, page 11, December 1993
This article also appeared in the December 1993 edition of the Judicial Officers Bulletin of New South Wales
Published in The Clarity Journal 62 - 2009
Dr Robert Eagleson
Down the centuries, lawyers have regularly been the butt of criticism and cruel jokes be- cause of the convoluted way they write....
Published in The Clarity Journal 54 - 2005
As part of the conference on “Clarity and Obscurity in Legal Language” in Boulogne, we organized two panels of expert drafters — two ma...