
Many organizations around the world are dedicated to promote Plain Legal Language. Find the ones in your own country and do not hesitate to contact them to get resources or support!

  • Plain Language Committee of the State Bar of Michigan

  • Simplification Centre

    A non-profit that promotes clear information for citizens and customers.  The Centre holds events called « Simple Action days », where designers and writers volunteer solutions for design projects.

  • Simply Put (National Adult Literacy Agency)

    A branch of the Irish National Adult Literacy Agency that provides plain English editing, writing and training. It awards a Plain English Mark to documents that meet its standards.

  • The Burton Foundation

    A not-for-profit academic organization focused on reforming legal writing. It organizes the Burton Awards which reward lawyers and law students for distinguished, clear, and concise legal writing.

  • The Law Society of England And Wales

    An independent professional organization for solicitors in the UK. The Society publishes the book Clarity for Lawyers, now in its 3rd edition (Mark Adler and Daphne Perry).

  • Victoria Law Foundation

    A foundation seeking to improve the justice system in Victoria. It provides useful communications resources as well as plain language training for legal professionals.

  • WriteMark Plain English Awards Trust

    The Trust rewards the efforts of organizations that use plain English to communicate with their staff and customers. It organizes the WriteMark New Zealand Plain English Awards.
