Search Results for: Drafting
Plain language in legal agreements: is it safe?
Published in The Clarity Journal 56 – Nov.2016 Speech by Lord Justice Rix Clarity seminar at Denton Wilde Sapte 10 October 2006 I am very grateful to the organisers of this event for bringing me face to face with the subject matter of this talk. At first I received the invitation with some pleasure: it […]
The Clarity Journal 73
In this issue : The architecture of clarity, You think lawyers are good drafters?, Recent developments in contract drafting techniques, Setting up a local Clarity meeting, Plainly in Polish, Clear language awareness in language policy in Norway, Communicating with Older People: Writing in plain English by Sarah Carr, Clear & Concise – Become A Better […]
You think lawyers are good drafters?
Published in The Clarity Journal 73 – 2015 By Joseph Kimble No, I’m sorry, but most lawyers are not skilled drafters. It doesn’t matter how smart or experienced they are or how many legal documents they have drafted. Most — a supermajority, probably — are lacking. And yet, oddly enough, while they tend to be […]
The Clarity Journal 70
In this issue : Helping legal writers embrace their inner Salieri: Re-vision is just “seeing again”, Plain-language writing-training course: A challenge, an ambition, and a method in five steps, Strategies for clarity in legal writing, “Plain language”: Practical tips for how to make it not so plain, “Plain language”: Practical tips for how to make […]
The Clarity Journal 69
In this issue : Trying to change the institutional culture:the European Commission’s clear writing campaign Start a plain language program at your organization USCIS plain language program Striving for clarity: the General Service Administration’s steps towards plain language The IRS and plain writing—challenges and accomplishments for a taxing situation Texas pattern jury charges—plain language revisions […]
The Clarity Journal 68
In this issue : Clarity 2012 opening address The story of “shall”: a parable of plain language Reflections of a plain-language legislative drafter Plain language in the financial world The IC clear project Plain language and the role of the visual Plain language laws in Australia Plain language laws in the Netherlands The US Plain […]
The Clarity Journal 66
In this issue : The role of plain language in the writing training of law students Public power: putting the case for the lay reader Working with lawyers on your projects The design and implementation of a plain Spanish writing-skills programme for Argentina’s leading law firm Teaching judgment writing in Canada A most dangerous clause: […]
The Clarity Journal 63
In this issue : Writing Smaller Plain Language in Plain English, Chapter 8: Identify the purposes of the document Simplifying frequent overlooked customer touchpoints How to conduct readability research according to the standards of professional market and social research Five tips on writing to a judge The research basis of plain language techniques: Implications for […]
Ensnaring perceptions on communication: Underlying obstacles to lawyers writing plainly
Published in The Clarity Journal 62 – 2009 Dr Robert Eagleson Down the centuries, lawyers have regularly been the butt of criticism and cruel jokes be- cause of the convoluted way they write. From certain perspectives these unfavourable judgements are appropriate and fair; yet, in over 30 years experience working closely with lawyers, I have […]