Search Results for: Plain language
Annetta Cheek
Annetta L Cheek Chair, International Plain Language Federation (USA) Dr. Cheek is one of the founders of both the federal plain language group, PLAIN, and of the Center for Plain Language. She served as chair of both groups. While at the Center, she was instrumental in getting the US Congress to pass the Plain Writing […]
Susan Kleimann
Dr. Kleimann is the immediate past Chair of the Center for Plain Language and a member of the International Plain Language Federation’s Standards Committee. She founded Kleimann Communication Group in 1997 and has been involved in developing and testing many high impact documents, especially in the financial area. Her work focuses on disclosures intended to […]
Neil James
Dr Neil James is Executive Director of the Plain English Foundation in Australia, which combines plain English training, editing and evaluation with a campaign for more ethical public language. Neil has published three books and over 90 articles and essays on language and literature. He is a regular speaker about language in the media throughout […]
Christopher Balmford
Managing Director Words and Beyond (Australia) Christopher is a sea-kayaker, a former lawyer, a past- president of Clarity, a plain-language advocate and practitioner, and chair of the International Plain Language Federation’s Standard’s Committee. He founded (and sold) Cleardocs. com and founded, and is the Managing Director of, Words and Beyond.