Search Results for: Plain language
Robert Eagleson
Robert Eagleson has been involved in ground- breaking plain English work in Australia. He contributed extensively to the first plain English legal document (a car insurance policy) in 1976. As commissioner in charge of the plain English reference to the Victorian Law Reform Commission, he demonstrated that even complex legislation could be written in plain […]
Karen Schriver
Karen Schriver KSA Communication Design & Research (USA) Dr. Schriver is President of KSA Communication Design & Research, a consultancy focused on making complex information clear, compelling, and usable. She applies research on information design, plain language, and cognitive science to design everyday communications. Her book, Dynamics in Document Design: Creating Texts for Readers—in its 9th […]
Lynda Harris
Lynda Harris Write Ltd (NZ) Lynda is founder of Write Limited, New Zealand’s leading plain English communications company. Write’s main focus is helping government, commercial, and professional organizations get more value from their daily investment in business communication. Lynda established the WriteMark, New Zealand’s document quality mark, and is the author of Rewrite – […]
Annetta Cheek
Annetta L Cheek Chair, International Plain Language Federation (USA) Dr. Cheek is one of the founders of both the federal plain language group, PLAIN, and of the Center for Plain Language. She served as chair of both groups. While at the Center, she was instrumental in getting the US Congress to pass the Plain Writing […]
Susan Kleimann
Dr. Kleimann is the immediate past Chair of the Center for Plain Language and a member of the International Plain Language Federation’s Standards Committee. She founded Kleimann Communication Group in 1997 and has been involved in developing and testing many high impact documents, especially in the financial area. Her work focuses on disclosures intended to […]
Neil James
Dr Neil James is Executive Director of the Plain English Foundation in Australia, which combines plain English training, editing and evaluation with a campaign for more ethical public language. Neil has published three books and over 90 articles and essays on language and literature. He is a regular speaker about language in the media throughout […]
American Society of Legal Writers
An organization dedicated to promoting a clear, succinct and forceful style in legal writing. The Society’s journal, The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing, has published many influential articles on plain language.
Victoria Law Foundation
A foundation seeking to improve the justice system in Victoria. It provides useful communications resources as well as plain language training for legal professionals.
Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales
A foundation seeking to improve access to justice in New South Wales. It provides resources and guidelines for writing and useful guides to Australian law. The Foundation also publishes a monthly newsletter on plain language.
The Clarity Journal’s latest issues are now out!
Become a member to have privileged access to The Clarity Journal 81 and 82. Some taste of the contents : The value of plain language jury instructions in facilitating access to justice (accessible to non-members!) Challenging resistance to plain language in law Usability testing results for legal icons Northwest Justice Project – a case study […]