Search Results for: Plain language
Victoria Law Foundation – Online legal information guidelines
Country : AustraliaType of content : Online information Plain language and better communication resources to help you improve your communication skills.
Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please: The Case for Plain Language in Business, Government, and Law
Plain Language for Lawyers (2010)
Author : Michele M. Asprey “The idea that lawyers can – and should – write in plain language is not new. There have always been plain language lawyers. There just aren’t enough of them. The plain language movement in Australia has been with us for decades. Plain language has been taught in law schools in Australia […]
Plain Language in Plain English
Cheryl Stephens, 2010
Lifting the Fog of Legalese (2011)
Author : Joseph Kimble “This book is unique. No other American book combines the strong evidence and myth-busting arguments for plain legal language with so much practical advice and so many useful examples. And no other book is more likely to open lawyers’ eyes to the emptiness of legalese—the style that has afflicted legal writing […]