Search Results for: law
Clarity international conference (2018) – Plain language in Modern Times
Over 500 people attended Clarity’s Montreal conference on 25-27 October 2018, hosted by Educaloi. The theme for Clarity 2018 was Plain Language in Modern Times. For more information :
Clarity International conference (2016) – The Business of Clarity : A plain language conference for the law, business, and government.
The next clarity conference will be held in Wellington, New Zealand. Register your interest and find out more at the conference website:
Clarity breakfast (2016) – Visualising tax law
Nick Birks works in the Central Customer Directorate at HM Revenue & Customs. He will show us the software used by government departments in Belgium and the Netherlands, and by HMRC, to reveal the structure of the law, and to identify duplication and inconsistency. The results appear as giant posters showing diagrams of the legislation, […]
Clarity breakfast (2016) – How well does plain language work? A legislative perspective
Joint event with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.Our speaker is Dr Jeffrey Barnes, Senior Lecturer in law at La Trobe University in Australia.Plain language, and whether it works in legislation, is a special interest of Dr Barnes and was the subject of his PhD thesis. London Clarity event. Please email to register for this event.
Clarity breakfast (2017) – Plain language in jury instructions
Professor Cheryl Thomas, Professor of Judicial Studies at University College London, will tell us about her research into jurors’ understanding of the instructions judges give them. Her 2010 study, ‘Are Juries Fair?‘, found that when judges provide written directions on the law to jurors this helps jurors better understand how specific legal terms are used […]