Search Results for: literacy
Do you understand your rights? Making the Letters of Rights more accessible
Published in the Clarity Journal 81 – 2020 Introduction Lili Krámer, Zsófia Moldova, and Vera Gergely The Letter of Rights is a text that informs suspects of their fundamental rights (such as the right to remain silent or the right to have a lawyer). If you are suspected of something the police will either read […]
Does plain language only benefit the higher literate? Avoiding the Matthew-effect in plain language revisions
Published in The Clarity Journal 80 – 2019. Every reader of this journal will be convinced that plain language revisions improve reading success. But in this article, I will argue that this improved success might not help the people you wanted to help in the first place; people who do not read as easily as […]
The contribution of design thinking to improve communications
Published in The Clarity Journal 80 – 2019. Design has been talked about much since the turn of the new millennium. Its concepts, methods, and processes are now found in all spheres of human activity. But what about more precisely in the field of written communication? How can design thinking improve the overall condition of […]
Toward an integrated framework for evaluating plain language
Published in The Clarity Journal 76 – 2018 By Neil James and Susan Kleimann No one could object to the evaluation of texts to assess their quality and effectiveness. Many evaluation methods exist, from readability formulas and expert reviews to usability tests and the analysis of outcomes. Yet in recent years, a divide has developed […]