Search Results for: literacy
The Clarity Journal 58
In this issue : Measuring plain language at the British Columbia Securities Commission Plain language in financial correspondence: bridging the consumer-to-customer gap Lord Renton 1908–2007 What makes a document readable? Learning about plain language through a community development project on adult literacy Keeping errors in Czech Drafting matters—letters of advice Tips from a unique provider […]
The Clarity Journal 55
In this issue : Master class in English, for Clarity’s conference in Boulogne: writing the law in plain language— three versions Instructionsfor Queues Bill Queues Bill 2005 Commentary and Queues Bill 2005 Queues Bill 2005 Drafting master classes: plain languagestyles are not consistent Introduction to theinternationalroundtable at the Fifth Plain Language Association INternational(PLAIN)Conference Plain language […]